My daughter says that I'm too serious. I don´t agree with her, I just have to have a reason to do something.
But first things first.
I´m Portuguese, and the last time I wrote in English was 31 years ago, to get my Certificate from the British Institute in Portugal, so, 31 years later, I have an excuse for bad English.
In those days, I did not know the real reason to learn another language, and between German and English, I felt the second as the right choice.
We cannot escape from destiny.
Some say that destiny doesn't exist, only our will commands our life. Others do nothing, and even don't try to do better, because if destiny is already written , why to bother?
For me, destiny are checking-points on the map of our life and if you don't go there on a life time, perhaps we will be born, again and again, in another body, another sex, race, religion , in another country or continent.But if we have to fulfill all the points, if so, where do our will fits?
Your English is fine better than mine. More or less the same time i last wrote in English (Rhodesia). For the past year and a half had to do a lot of thinking to write again in English but has you say it´s life.