Where our Will fits

If you want to travel somewhere, you can choose a thousand ways and paths to get there; on foot, by car, by truck, by plain, on motorways, secondary roads, you can get lost for a while, to sleep during the journey, without due value to each piece of the voyage, and better yet, you can learn something new, during the trip, about yourself or the places you´re passing by.

If destiny are checking-points on the map of our life, compared to a journey, our will, is never absent, the options are infinite and... eventually we can choose between the quick version, in one lifetime or the long version, to be born several times, perhaps as that person, which is only different (ideas,race,religion,country,costumes...) from us, and we so quickly mistreat. I like quick versions, trying to fulfill all my checking-points, but sometimes, I know, I will regret not to have done something( laziness or accommodation), postponing something that must be done,sooner or later. When something is left behind, a time will come, we have to do it imperatively , for yesterday. The task will be tougher. Right now I'm paying for the task I left behind.

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